Saturday, December 27, 2014

Transformers...Everyones Dirty Little Secret

Transformers the most disappointing franchise ever? Well if you go by everyones opinion you would think so. Most people would say they disliked every Transformers movie since the first one, there is a dislike for Michael Bay due to his use of camera angles and explosions......oh and lets not forget his use of pop music for the Michael Bay Action Shot, yes that is a thing google it.

The truth is a little more complicated, The franchise has grossed closed to $1,325,037,329 domestically while a whopping $3,763,100,000 worldwide, The top grossing film of the franchise was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen at $402,111,870. While there was a drop off for the most recent outing Transformers: Aged of Extinction at $245,439,076, this  still was an amazing amount grossed for a franchise most considered disappointing. So what is the truth?

Yes, Transformers has not lived up to expectations and maybe people keep being fooled with the expectations of improvement. But I think the truth lies more with the idea that this franchise is a dirty little secret for everyone. The movies are good enough to keep people coming, as the box office keeps telling. Michael Bay knows how to sell his movies with nostalgia, explosions and humor. And while everyone makes fun of the Michael Bay actions shot, its still a staple that we all remember from our favorite movies. (Just see for yourself from this Youtube Video) 

So while we all like to hate, maybe its time to come out and admit our like for a franchise we keep trying to sell as horrible. I know for myself, I've seen everyone in theaters and have bought every movie on DVD or BlueRay. 

I will get all of us started. I might be in the minority that will admit that the first movie was great, I will also admit that the franchise lost a lot of its luster after that. (In my opinion the last movie was the second best). So lets finally hear your support for these movies, cause I know you have.

Until my next post let me know what your Dirty Little Secret is on Twitter @RandomGuysView

Thursday, December 25, 2014

No Burn Day

Like the previous holidays the past few years, Phoenix has opted to enforce a "No Burn Day" This year. Can I just say this is a joke, we should be able to sit around a fire pit or fireplace and enjoy our Holiday with friends and family. I don't see a reduction in city vehicles being driven, so why is it that a fireplace burning is any worse? With the reduction of travel on christmas alone, this should counter act any "burning" that would take place. Sending out inspectors to catch anyone burning seems like a waste of city funds, having them drive block after block seems like a unnecessary way to pollute the air. This needs to stop.

Fireplaces and Fire pits are ways for families to bound, they are ways to enhance the holiday spirit, and are ways to make each holiday special for children. I know personally growing up, my brother and i would hang around the fireplace while playing with our new gifts enjoying the warmth of the flames on a cold December day. Our Fire pit was used by our parents and grandparents to converse on the events of the morning. These were staples of our family and many more which have now been taken away.

I want our ability to enjoy a fireplace in December back, we need this now more than ever.

Until my next post, enjoy this Holiday Season with your love ones

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Christmas Message To Your Employer

It's almost Christmas and the important questions need to be asked......Why do we work the two weeks of Christmas and New Years? Most companies experience a slow down between these two holidays, mainly due to the low attendance of employees. With less people there is less work to be completed, when there is less work to be completed then the people who do work end up screwing off in the office. We all know this to be true, we either experience or have participated in this practice. We don't care about what is going on at work, we are thinking about the Christmas shopping, cooking for our families, the gifts we are getting, and at what point on New Years Eve we will drunkenly try to kiss that hot chick we have had your eye on since last year. We are not thinking about TPS reports, Income Analysis, or Home loans. We are strategically planning where we are placing that miso toe for the best positive outcome.

So this is my holiday message to our employers.......Stop with the insanity, stop pretending that we are accomplishing anything these two weeks, stop with the two hour releases on Christmas Eve. WE DON'T CARE. We want to be home, enjoying some Bing Crosby and Eggnog. Stop being the Grinch trying to steal christmas and let that heart of yours grow two sizes and give us two weeks off. Its for your best interest as much as ours.

Until My Next Post Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

We Need Christmas

What do we all need more than anything this time of year? Christmas, we need Jolly ole Saint Nick. We need Christmas because sometimes personally life sucks, sometimes bad things happened to friend and family, and sometimes bad things happen in the world. We need the happiness that Christmas brings, lets for get the religious undertones for this holiday and concentrate on what makes this time of year so special.

Christmas has some magic to it, whether its the unwavering faith of a child or the softening of the hardest heart. There is something about this time of year, we as a society need to embrace this. We need to make sure that we continue to make this time of years so special for children, let them see the magic when driving down the street.

I remember seeing christmas lights on every house with the occasional one not decorating. Now its the opposite, we see very few houses decorated and business shy away. We need this to change, I want to see houses decorated, I want o see commercials on TV with Santa, and I want the ability to walk in a Winter Wonderland.

Until My Next Post, Make Sure To Hang Up Some Christmas Lights And Enjoy Some Christmas Music. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Cosplay And Comicon A Excuse To Wear Tiny Outfits

I spent this past Saturday at the 2014 Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest. It was extremely fun for me, especially since I love taking pictures. What better way than to head to a Comicon and get some great shot of all those Cosplayers.

The first thing I found interesting about my visit to the University of Phoenix Stadium for this Fan Fest was the amount of people that attended. As I walked around I saw the booths with Comic Books, with artist which were signing there work, and panels with Authors, Actors, and Comic Book Drawers. These are all cool and I can appreciate them it worth the $34 to enter? No......Not for me at least. So there are only two conclusions I could find for the 1,000 of people that show up. One you wanted to dress up as Cosplay to show off and get your Photo taken in hopes that it will find its way on the internet (Here is the Link to the photo's taken). Second, you wanted to see half naked chicks in superhero outfits (Which is always awesome).

I am not here to hate, I loved everything I saw. Its worth the visit! I would go again and take more photo's if I am so lucky to be invited again. Some of the Cosplayers were great, not only did their costumes look amazing some were great sports and posed for the Photos. All in all it was a great weekend and I do have a new found appreciation for Cosplay and the people that enjoy this art.

Below are some of the Sexy ladies of Cosplay. Enjoy the view

Until my Next Post Dress up as your favorite character and send me a Pic

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thank You For The Reads

Its been a month of posting my random thoughts and with this i want to take a moment for all the people who have read these post (599 to be exact) and say thank you. I've enjoyed having a outlet for my thoughts and am looking forward to the continuing to write my different opinions. Currently my most view entry has been Men's Room Etiquette, this has been viewed a total of 123 times since i first posted. The Second most viewed is Flash Arrow what makes them great

It seems like everyone enjoys my opinions on every day issues like Bathroom Etiquette and Dating Websites. I promise to continue with these type of post and to sprinkle in some TV/Movie reviews.

So Thank You and until my next post please let me know what you think and how I can improve

Friday, December 5, 2014

Flash & Arrow What Makes Them Great

I love comic book movies/TV Shows, from the moment I saw the first Superman movie I fell in love with this genre of film. So with all the respect that I have for what Marvel is creating and the master piece which was Guardian of the Galaxy I have to say that the best comic book adaptation to big/small screen is the combination of Arrow and Flash. I haven't seen anything as well done as these two shows.

So with that being said, lets start with Flash. As soon as Barry Allen was first introduce in the second season of Arrow, I was worried. I was a fan of the original series and had a Idea in my head of how Flash/Barry Allen should look and act. Grant Gustin just didn't seem to fit, oh how I was proven so wrong. Not only has the writing for this show been excellent but so has the performance of the main character. This show is the positive counter part to Arrow, and the writers don't hide from this fact (A fact which was touched open during the two night crossover specials). They have done such a great job in making the Flash a superhero, they have capture his ability to bring hope and also the ability to capture the humor with this superhero which is not seen on Arrow. Watching both Arrow and Flash is like being able to read a new Comic Book each week but also have the season long story line which keeps you wanting more.

Let me not forget about Arrow, When I first began to watch this show I was afraid of what i was getting. This show was on the CW after all, a network known more for reaching out to a female demographic. I know this wasn't the first Comic book show on the network, but I was never able to get into smallville. It always felt like a show which was made to get the male viewer but was still for the female audience. So you could say I was surprised with Arrow, from the first episode I was hooked. I have not enjoyed a series as much as this and i am truly impressed with how they have handled the third season after what has to be the best second season of any television show EVER. Arrow captures what a Vigilante should be. It has the personal conflict needed for your hero with the non stop action needed for comic books. And best of all, they don't kill off all the villains.

If you want to see how a crossover should be done, watch the Flash Vs Arrow episodes. These will bring out the super comic book nerd in you like no other movies/show can. Its what all comic book properties should strive to be.

So if DC's film divisions wants to have any success with all the films they have they need to be smart and take a page out the their televisions properties book. Oh and don't try and recast their most successful characters.

Until My Next Post Nerd out a little and watch Arrow and Flash

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Frustrations With A Roommate

Living with a roommate can and will probably be frustrating.

Now this isn't the case all the time, Ive had an experience with a good roommate. However my current situation would not fall into this category. This has been a horrible experience maybe some of it should be chalked up to living with a female, maybe its the issue with her moving her boyfriend into the house.

Living with someone else takes patients, it takes an understanding of communication and compromising. There have been times were my roommate makes decision without asking, with the idea that I would be ok with it. This is not always the case, no matter how you feel I will take saving money, not having to share my bathroom with your Boyfriend because his fear of using your bathroom to do his business, is worth the extra amount i would have to spend on a place. Even if you feel like all food is fair game cause you are willing to share, Its not worth living with someone if said person eats all the food you bought. And then the invasion of privacy, my room is off limits. I don't like people going into my room at all, however my roommate feels like this is ok, even though my door is completely shut. And then there is the Icing on the Cake, Having sex with your bedroom door open......NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Here are some rules from my experience to follow when choosing to live with a roommate
  1. Make Sure You Know The Person You Are Moving In With
  2. Make Sure You Set Ground Rules From The Beginning (No Random Hookups/One Night Stands)
  3. Make Sure You Decide If Food/Alcohol is Fair Game
  4. Make Sure If You Are A Private Person Your Roommate Knows Whats Off Limits
  5. NO Sex With The Door Open (Read My Previous Post for This Story)
  6. Make Sure Boyfriend/GirlFriend Know The Ground Rules

Until My Next Post remember, its not worth living frustrated or feel like you are unable to go home because of your roommate. So before you move in make sure you set up some rules for the living arrangement.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Flawed System Called College Football Playoffs

I love Football but I have never been able to get into College football. There are 128 schools that are currently in Division 1, which makes up 11 conferences. This is the first year that the NCAA has implemented the College Playoff system, however from my point of view a flawed system still. Yes this better than the randomness of AP and coaches polls, which in my opinion are a joke. However, The College Football Playoffs are a flawed system still due to the ranking system which is decided by a committee.

The College playoffs would be a wonderful experience, however with a committee left to decide who ranks where based off strength of schedule and conference play we are still left with a system left to opinion. All Football schedules are made a few years in advance leaving strength in schedule unpredictable as is the conference play. A team could potentially go undefeated and still not rank in the top 4 based on who they play. How can I enjoy a system like this? I can't so as a result I don't watch. I need and deserve a system which isn't left to chance. A system where depending the performance of a school no matter who they face they are left with a chance at the National Championship, A system where we can have a Cinderella story, and a system that isn't left to the opinion of the national media/Coaches.

So now that i am done with my soap box, here is my opinion. There are 11 conferences, each conference champion earns the right to play on in the playoffs. We use the ranking system to determine the top 3 seeds who will earn a bye week with the number 1 school getting a 2 round bye. We will see the NCAA use 8 bowl games for the playoffs (Rose Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, Orange Bowl, Cotton Bowl, Citrus Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Peach Bowl, and the Alamo Bowl). This system would allow us to keep the BCS ranking system, but also reward conference winners. A system I could really get behind.

Until My Next Post Remember Paying for an escort for the QB of your favorite school is still against NCAA guidelines

Monday, December 1, 2014

Women Talk and Men Sorta Listen

Some guys just have a talent, they know how to listen to the women in their life. For the majority of us this seems to be an issue. Its not that the rest of us don't want to listen, its just we zone out. Some of it is our fault, our attention spans are less then a minute without some sort of action to keep our attention. But some of it is the women fault, why is it that the most important moment to have a conversation is during the football game? Why do they have to start talking during that movie/TV show you have already invested time in? However, we are still responsible for making this work. NO Faking she will know.

We are not equipped to successfully handle talking in more than 5 min intervals, we need bullet point conversation and we definitely don't want to discuss our feelings. The most common complaint with my male friends is "She just keeps talking" or "She has repeated the same story over and over again". Well in her defense, she wants to connect. Women need connection, so remember next time you want sex you need to ACTUALLY pay attention. If she is repeating the same story, its only because you think its the same story. Try and pay attention you might learn that she is telling you something different. 

Listening is difficult but its not impossible. So to keep that relationship going smooth put in some effort and listen to what she has to say. You won't be sorry.

Here are some guidelines for talking with Men
  1. Bullet Point Conversation
  2. Do Not Talk During the Game
  3. Keep Conversation points short and to the point
  4. Keep the guy involved in the conversation
  5. Reward good Listening skills 

Until My Next Post Remember Its not considered listening if she is giving you a Lap Dance.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Problem With Pro Wrestling

Everything that is wrong with Professional Wrestling can be summed up in two words "Sports Entertainment". I am an avid Pro Wrestling Fan, been watching WWF/WWE since i was 5 years old. I am not sure if theres is anything that we could considered "Fake" that I've been more dedicated towards for more than 28 years of my life. So I can say that I have unique point of view on this subject. For years i would watch Monday Night War or Monday Night Nitro religiously, never straying from the Television set even if that meant staying up past my bed time. But for the last 3 years that desire has slowly disappeared, why? Cause the product is basically unwatchable, bad scripting, bad "Characters", and for 99% of the time bad wrestling. Where did they go wrong, well for one calling it "Sports Entertainment". With this minor change they changed the way they treated the viewing audience, I don't watch because i have some delusional idea that pro wrestling is "Real" I know its not. But that doesn't mean i want you telling me that its fake. If I was watching Arrow and through out the episode they told me it was fake i would stop watching.

Stop selling me on "Really" people, I don't watch Real House Wives, I don't watch Real World, and I definitely don't watch the Kardashians. So why continue giving me real people? What I want to see every Monday night is the Undertake, Sting, Million Dollar Man, The Rock, and Stone Cold. I don't want to see John Cena and his girlfriend and the continuing sage from the Divas show. I want bigger than life personalities with out the everyday drama. Yes, it was corny but so is watching men in underwear wrestling each other. So give me what I want, and stop force feeding me the crap that you put out there.

If you must give me the "everyday" Drama, then you have to stop making it PG. Guess what, even teenagers use foul language. If I was in a fight for 30 min, I am guessing either myself or the person i was fighting with would bleed. Please stop insulting my intelligence. Stop trying to sell me crap and I may pay the $9.99 for your network. And if you were smart you would hire Mark Madden and Jim Ross to book your shows because that would be "Best for Business"

Until my next post Rub your arm pit in someones face and a Buschwacker will grow some wings.

Smart Phone Games And The End Of Your Social Life

South Park had an amazing episode about free games for your smart phone being addictive. They were right on the mark. Smart phones may be a problem but they are fun, they are everything you need at the palm of your hand. Banking, Maps, GPS, and all the other apps that come with it. AMAZING!! I am the first to admit I love my iPhone, I don't know what I would do without it. Socialize, yeah but why? When i get bored with a conversation I can check my phone, Facebook is just a click away. Even at home I catch myself looking at my phone more than I look at the TV.

Now the issue with this is we no longer socialize with others. This is why we need Dating Websites, we no longer know how to communicate with a stranger unless we are using an app like tinder. What is wrong with this picture? More people are communicating through hashtags and Instagram photos then with real live humans. If i go to a bar 90% of the people there are on their phones, I've had to stop in the middle of Pool to let someone Facebook for 5 min. This must stop!

Now to the real problem, smart phone games! Each game is designed to make you look at it at the very least once an hour, some games like Crime City could make you look at your phone every 5 minutes (Make sure you collect your fake cash). These are addictive games, and they can be worse, even though they are free you have an option to spend money. And people do, they spend money on stupid games with horrible quality. Why would anyone spend anything on a game with the quality of the original nintendo? Why wouldn't you just save up to buy a new Xbox one game? The quality is better in every aspect of the game? What are we teaching our children when we play these games, and when we let them play these games? I feel as if these questions are important ones that must be asked every time we touch our phones.

We must stop the insanity and check into Smart Phone Rehab. Maybe i'll start up a Smart Phone Gamers anonymous. At least there you will be interacting with real people face to face for an hour. So before you pick up your phone to play a game just stop, call one of your last remaining friends and go out and get coffee, see a movie or just dinner. 

Until my next post pick up your phone and share this on Facebook, Twitter or what ever other social media platform you like to use.......oh and Follow me on Twitter @RandomGuysView

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful Before Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, a time to be thankful and stuff our faces with delicious food. Its also that time of year when we should all enjoy being around our loved ones, its the time of year were we get to decorate for christmas, listen to christmas music and just enjoy the festive atmosphere. I know i will be grateful to spend the day with my grandparents, i know full well not everyone gets this experience this for as long as i have. I am Thankful for that.

If there was one person you would compare myself to, it would be my grandpa. Ive gotten my work ethic from him, my sense of humor, and my intolerable ability to ignore sickness and pain. Ive learned to be a good person from him. Don't get me wrong, I love my father. I looked up to him as well, but if there was one person that I've grown into its my grandfather. 

I am also thankful for my life, its had many ups and downs but in the end its hard to say i would change anything. Every decision I've made has led me to today. If it wasn't for dating the same awful girl for 5 years, I wouldn't have stayed at my first job for 5 years (which was 4 1/2 years to long). I would have met the friends and girlfriends I did along the way, and i wouldn't appreciate were I am as a person today. 

So remember, no matter how hard life gets, how bad a relationship is change is on its way. So take a moment look back and realize that the good you have in your life right now is all due to earlier life decisions. Be Thankful!

Until my next post enjoy your family and love ones.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sex With The Door Open

Who leaves their door open during sex when they live with a roommate? And before I get any comments about this being an open invitation to join, Its not. If you think you have the place to yourself make sure to lock the door so there isn't that awkward moment when you realize your roommate is now walking to his bedroom. Maybe this isn't that big of the deal, but when your pleasure noises sound like a dying cat, I think the importance of closing and locking the door is an important one.

Now the more important rule of this game is, make sure that your roommate second bathroom door is completely shut. The one that faces right into your room, you know the one that has clear view to your bed.

Yes this past week has been an awkward one and there are some things peoples shouldn't become to comfortable with. I am sure however good you think you are, that image which you have where you are performing just like a porn is incredibly inaccurate. You are farther from Jenna Jamison and closer to American Pie than you think.

And now some rules for when you are living with a roommate.

  3. CLOSE YOUR BEDROOM DOOR (Unless you are inviting a third party)
  7. AND NO DUCK FACE SELFIES (this is for your own good)
Until the next post remember "There is no sex in the champagne room"

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The fun which is Snapchat

So Wikipedia defines Snapchat as

"a photo messaging application developed by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, then Stanford University students. [ 4] Using the application, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients."

Really? A photo messaging application? Lets all be honest, Snapchats true use is the ability to send nude photo's to that guy you are crushing on in hopes that he doesn't take a snapshot of said photo. You may be wondering why I am singling out women, the answer is pretty simple. If a guy is sending a snapchat of his penis, stay away. There is nothing sexy about getting a flaccid pic of said junk......NOTHING!

But in all seriousness, whats the point of this application? how many people really want to see that picture of you with your three cats? who wants the picture of you standing in the Starbucks line waiting to order your Pumpkin Spice Latte? The answer No one. We as men put up with it, why? cause one night, the lady friend of yours will be drunk and lonely. That type of night when horrible mistakes are made, and she will decide she needs to feel sexy. So with that 8 drinks in shitface look going, off with the top and picture is sent.

Lets stop trying to justify our use of silly technology, if we really wanted to see picture in order to tell what is going on with your life we have Instagram. Snapchat is porn for 20 year olds, if you really want to see someone naked do the honorable thing. Go to a strip club at midnight, shamefully sit in the back and pay for real boobs to be in your face.

Speaking of strip clubs.....Next blog entry I think?

Until my next post take a selfie and post it in my comments.

Monday, November 17, 2014

She is a nutcase you just don't know it yet

I enjoy hookah, its relaxing, you meet new interesting people, and its usually a good time. My favorite place to go is Memo's Hookah Cafe on the southeast corner of McClintock and Broadway in Tempe, Az. Cheap plug....of course. But this isn't about Memo's or hookah, this entry is about that crazy as hell chick that is sitting in the hookah cafe and you make that one horrible mistake........You decide that day not to think with your head and use a different part of your anatomy.

About 7 months ago i decided to talk to a new girl who just walked in, from her appearance that day she seemed like an attractive, smart woman. I approached her and we started to talk, I found out that she was new to the state and didn't really know anyone. So we talked, after a few more visits there was a noticeable awkwardness. I thought this was due to me, I am a little shy and i have issues with transitioning conversations. However, this was not my issue. SHE IS A NUTCASE, I can't express this thought enough. After the first few visits she starts coming in looking like a hot mess, never combing her hair, never wearing a clothing that fits. She is unable to hold a conversation one bit, always changing in mid sentence. 

So now every time she walks in she decides to sit with me, always wanting to discuss her horrible life decision. She seeks advice, just not the advice that goes against what she believes. The worse part is she thrives on bad news, always wanting to dig into the issue with an overwhelming sense of enjoyment in your misfortunes. These people drive others to be more depressed, always bring up the negative and never enjoying life in the moment.

So the moral of this story, make sure you know who you are talking with. You may be inviting the devil into your life. If your a guy stop for a second, make sure your not thinking entirely with your penis because a stage 5 clinger is always just around the corner. 

Until my next post enjoy a Hookah at Memo's Cafe, you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Day I Remembered What Love Is

Today I was reminded what true love really looks like, I have lost my way and have been wondering for many years now. I went our for breakfast and ran into some old friends, they were there with their first child and a second on the way. My first thought, they hadn't change one bit in the 6 years that have past, they still had that loving feeling that they had when they married. It was amazing, I was amazed. Everything that I have witness/experience in the last few years would have aloud them to be miserable and changed. They were not.

So today I had that moment, the one that reminded me what love really looked like. Its not forced, its not out of convenience. It just is natural. 

Love is something you wait for, you don't force. I see so many people searching, trying to force a connection. They look in all the wrong place. So how do you stumble upon this? I know its not by changing or just accepting,  which I've been guilty of in the past. 

I spent 5 years in a what turned up to be a miserable relationship, I thought she was everything until it ended. I dated another girl for 2 years, thought she was the one. Should have known better I used to leave as soon as she fell asleep to hang out with friends or would stay in the living room to watch TV. That is not love. Then I dated a girl for 8 months, I was crazy about her. It was by far the easiest relationship Ive ever been apart of. The relationship ended and I lost a part of myself, I don't know if she was the one but I do know at least for me this is what love should be....EASY. So Ive spent the last three years confused and searching. I was getting angry and disenchanted with the idea of love. Then today came, it was a moment that will change my outlook. It reminded me that i had lost my way. 

In many ways this post was for me, I realized I've held this in for far to long. I needed to share.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Con Which is Dating Websites

Dating Websites were probably created by Satan himself, the only thing worse than a Dating Website is a dating App for your "smart" phone. Whats the point? all commercials and advertisements show women who are probably not having any issues getting a date. This is the "Con", tricking people into believing that these sites have models who are lonely and just wanting to meet the man of their dreams........."You". Ever wonder why that way to "Hot" for chick never responded to your witty comments on her photos. Well its due to the well place account that seems to match all your criteria. SHE IS A FAKE, welcome to the world of dating websites, Thank you for giving OKCupid your $17.95 a month.

More importantly the true issue of a dating website, you may say you are using it to find your "soulmate". The truth like it or not, your trolling pictures to find that one guy/girl that you think is attractive, than you'll talk with them, few emails then a few text messages. The entire time deep down inside your not truly believing this is your soul mate, however he is "Hot".  So at this point you just paid $35 a month to meet/hookup with a random guy/girl. Next time take that Money go to the bar make the same bad decisions, but at least your out having fun and with friends. 

Leave a comment, Lets here your opinions!

Until my Next Post enjoy a Fatata

Monday, November 10, 2014

Mens Room Etiquette

In life there are unwritten rules. Some are stupid others are necessary; like the middle seat in a airplane always gets both arm rest. This brings me to the mens restroom, YES there are unwritten rules when it comes the restroom.

 I am unsure how many times Ive been at a urinal and a random stranger walks in and decides that even though the bathroom is empty and there is eight urinals and ten stalls open he needs to use the one right next to me. Complete unnecessary you say, you would be correct. I don't need you standing, humming, and potentially urinating on the floor next to my feet. I don't need to be social, I don't need to know you have horrible aim and this is the reason for your two "Oops" kids, and I am not a judge for American Idol, you may be the best hummer ever........However I DONT CARE! Pick a different urinal.

So for your future knowledge and for the love of my feet please follow the below rules

  1. When you enter the restroom Pick the first urinal.
  2. Alternate Urinals leaving a separation between occupants
  3. If all separated Urinals are taken, use a stall
  4. NO Humming
  5. NO Talking on the Phone
  6. NO Selfies
  7. NO Brushing your Teeth (Its a public Restroom......Its for your own Safety) 
  8. NO Talking to another Man while he is in mid stream

Until My Next Post Enjoy a Beer

Bikini's Sell Coffee

Today I found the newest craze, trend, hot spot in Phoenix, AZ. Its called the Bikini Bean Expresso, now you may be wondering why its called that? Well it's due to all the Baristas serve your coffee in what is suppose to be bikinis. 

This place has officially confused my emotions, I am the first to tell you I love bikini clad females. I also love myself some coffee, however i am not sure how I feel about these two together? How sanitary can being served by a girl that is only wearing a string bikini? Do i care? 

In all honesty, a place like this is ingenues. SEX sells people, lets get over it. Guys enjoy women, these women are making great tips because of those men. And if the coffee is semi decent its a win win for all involved.......Technically its still a win win even if the coffee taste like that milk sitting in the back of the fridge two weeks past the expiration date.

Until My Next Post 

Bikini Bean Expresso 
2330 N 7th St. Phoenix AZ

The Introduction........Cause You Need It

The most important thing you will need to know, I am just a random guy. I may say something that will excite you (Hopefully the ladies), I may say something that will offend you (High Probability), and I may just be boring. So this is your ****WARNING***** read at your own risk.

Life is like a Box of Chocolates.......Just Kidding. In all honesty my life experience have taught me a few things. The only thing anyone can guarantee, if you wear a tiny dress you will flash something at some point in your life, You will pay taxes, and work pretty much will always suck. I will talk about short dresses, I won't talk about work, and all i know is I loose money to taxes.

The only thing you can expect from this blog, you will see random photographs from time to time. I love Photography, its a goal of mine so deal with it. Well this is my first post, if you have a subject you want to hear my random opinion on please let me know.

Until my next post enjoy a beer