Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful Before Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, a time to be thankful and stuff our faces with delicious food. Its also that time of year when we should all enjoy being around our loved ones, its the time of year were we get to decorate for christmas, listen to christmas music and just enjoy the festive atmosphere. I know i will be grateful to spend the day with my grandparents, i know full well not everyone gets this experience this for as long as i have. I am Thankful for that.

If there was one person you would compare myself to, it would be my grandpa. Ive gotten my work ethic from him, my sense of humor, and my intolerable ability to ignore sickness and pain. Ive learned to be a good person from him. Don't get me wrong, I love my father. I looked up to him as well, but if there was one person that I've grown into its my grandfather. 

I am also thankful for my life, its had many ups and downs but in the end its hard to say i would change anything. Every decision I've made has led me to today. If it wasn't for dating the same awful girl for 5 years, I wouldn't have stayed at my first job for 5 years (which was 4 1/2 years to long). I would have met the friends and girlfriends I did along the way, and i wouldn't appreciate were I am as a person today. 

So remember, no matter how hard life gets, how bad a relationship is change is on its way. So take a moment look back and realize that the good you have in your life right now is all due to earlier life decisions. Be Thankful!

Until my next post enjoy your family and love ones.

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